Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: 06/07/15 to 06/13/15

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz


I’m a former jock marveling at how LeBron James is leading the Cleveland Cavaliers through a sheer act of personal will throughout the NBA Playoffs. An NBA Championship for the city of Cleveland and King James means one word: Redemption.

Game 5 is today at 7 PM Central Time
. If you have the cash, $12,000 gets you two (2) courtside seats via StubHub.

Your Sunday Brunch Silicon Valley Catchphrase of the Week: “How Wash U Is Changing The World.” Publishing this finding embarrasses me. My alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis, is using this catchphrase in their LinkedIn Advertising campaign to Washington University Alumni.

I loathe this Silicon Valley, self-proclaimed / self-referential bullshit. Sad how this attitude infects a midwestern academic institution. Makes me want to hurl. 

Here’s the screen shot proof from my LinkedIn Profile Page:

Enjoy your brunch and these Sunday Brunch Reads:

1. The Wall Street Journal: Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Stepping Down and The New York Times: For Twitter, Future Means Here and Now.  
 The Wall Street Journal’s Yoree Koh is my go-to news source when it comes to all-things Twitter. Her breaking story came out minutes after the company’s announcement. How well does Yoree know Twitter? I sold my stock holdings in Twitter about a month after she published these February 2014 Wall Street Journal articles about the company’s problems growing its user base beyond power users (like myself):

The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo published his article on next steps for Twitter’s corporate strategy. The best one I’ve found. Here’s his tweet in 140 characters or less:

1a. The New York Times: Jack Dorsey Returns to Twitter as Chief, to Shrugs and Quips. Will Jack Dorsey be good for Twitter? That’s a huge and important question because he’s now Twitter’s Interim CEO. How this plays out is driving huge speculation.

A key outcome he has to demonstrate early — stop Twitter’s senior executive leadership revolving door. This article and the table highlighting “The Comings and Goings of Twitter’s Executives” sheds a non-flattering light on how much hemorrhaging took place in Twitter’s executive ranks in 2014.

Dorsey needs to establish leadership and strategic stability at Twitter. Fast.

According to the article, leadership development may not be Dorsey’s strong suit. But, maybe he’s learned from his previous mistakes.

Steve Jobs learned from his mistakes and reinvented his management style to make a company at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014 the world’s most valuable company.


2. The Wall Street Journal — Personal Tech News: How To Speed Up Your Slow Mac. I read and follow Joanna Stern’s work because she’s an excellent consumer advocate who shares easy-to-understand, actionable advice. I learned about new tools like Disk Inventory X (a free app) and Trend Micro’s Dr. Cleaner. If you’re a MacBook Air user (and I’m pretty sure your user population exceeds 50), read Joanna’s article so your MacBook performs optimally.

I use MacPaw’s CleanMyMac on my MacBook Pro 15 (an older model). CleanMyMac performs regularly, scheduled checkups on my MacBook with a couple of clicks. Maxing out and upgrading my RAM to 8 GB also solves slow performance


3. TutsPlus.com: Techniques to Share Apple and Google Calendars. This article rocks. As my consulting practice steadily grows, I have to be aware of all my family and personal commitments from one source — my iPhone. Not all my clients use a Mac. But, they’re all familiar in using Google Calendar for business appointments and scheduling.

After following the simple, visual instructions in the TutsPlus.com article, I now see and sync everything in my iCal Calendar desktop and mobile apps with my Google Calendar. I still can’t edit a Google Calendar entry from iCal, but knowing I can go to one place to see my synced-up schedule is a godsend.


Your Turn

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear from you. I’m here to read, listen, and learn from YOUR PERSPECTIVE.   Comments are open. So let’er rip!

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Tony Faustino: As President and Founder of Faustino Marketing Strategies, I advise how a buyer's problem guides a client's content marketing and SEO decisions. I am based in the Kansas City area (Overland Park, Kansas). I share my ideas on the reinvention of content marketing and SEO in my personal blog: Social Media ReInvention. (www.socialmediareinvention.com).