Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: 06/07/15 to 06/13/15

Sunday Brunch Newspaper Large

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz


I’m a former jock marveling at how LeBron James is leading the Cleveland Cavaliers through a sheer act of personal will throughout the NBA Playoffs. An NBA Championship for the city of Cleveland and King James means one word: Redemption.

Game 5 is today at 7 PM Central Time
. If you have the cash, $12,000 gets you two (2) courtside seats via StubHub.

Your Sunday Brunch Silicon Valley Catchphrase of the Week: “How Wash U Is Changing The World.” Publishing this finding embarrasses me. My alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis, is using this catchphrase in their LinkedIn Advertising campaign to Washington University Alumni.

I loathe this Silicon Valley, self-proclaimed / self-referential bullshit. Sad how this attitude infects a midwestern academic institution. Makes me want to hurl.  (more…)