Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: 06/07/15 to 06/13/15

Sunday Brunch Newspaper Large

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz


I’m a former jock marveling at how LeBron James is leading the Cleveland Cavaliers through a sheer act of personal will throughout the NBA Playoffs. An NBA Championship for the city of Cleveland and King James means one word: Redemption.

Game 5 is today at 7 PM Central Time
. If you have the cash, $12,000 gets you two (2) courtside seats via StubHub.

Your Sunday Brunch Silicon Valley Catchphrase of the Week: “How Wash U Is Changing The World.” Publishing this finding embarrasses me. My alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis, is using this catchphrase in their LinkedIn Advertising campaign to Washington University Alumni.

I loathe this Silicon Valley, self-proclaimed / self-referential bullshit. Sad how this attitude infects a midwestern academic institution. Makes me want to hurl.  (more…)

Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: Week of 09/22/14


Share-worthy links Social Media ReInvention Community Members can enjoy during Sunday brunch:

1) MarketingLand: Up Close: Ello, The New Social Network That Is So Hot Right Now. I read / curated many articles on Silicon Valley's latest social networking sweetheart. Martin Beck's comprehensive review is a must-read:

  • Martin highlights important, missing features in the launch release (e.g., like/favorite/+1 type button, search ability to locate friends, etc.).
  • I'm working on securing an invite so I can test-drive Ello. Will keep you posted.

2) Fast Company: LOVE POST-IT NOTES? YOU'LL LOVE THIS NEW PRODUCTIVITY APP THAT DIGITIZES THEM. 3-M developed this brilliant iPhone app, Post-it(R) Plus

I'm a visual person. Post-It(R) Notes are my storyboarding savior (colleagues say I have an illness and should seek professional help). 

  • The app allows users to digitize their Post-It(R) Notes from brainstorming and storyboarding sessions. There's a 50 note limit for the image capture.
  • You can share, rearrange, categorize, and build additional storyboards with the app. Users can export the digital session into other tools (e.g., Evernote, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.).
  • This first version doesn't allow changing the names on the Post-its(R) once they're digitized (but future iterations will probably include this improvement).
  • The app requires updating to iOS 8. Yes, I endured a 2+ hour update session for my iPhone 5c so I could use Post-it(R) Plus tomorrow at work (which is why I require professional help).

3) TechCrunch: Closing The Gaps In Mobile Health. Dan Pelino's piece describes the IBM-Apple value proposition and long term implications of the Apple econsystem in a real-world example. Look out healthcare this strategic alliance wants to disrupt your industry. Their solutions will focus on physicians and patients.

  • (direct article quote) Many doctors already have smartphones with 68 percent using iPhones and 59 percent using iPads.

 And, speaking of IBM …

4) Fortune: IBM CEO Ginni Rometty Gets Past the Big Blues. IBM's first female CEO shares her thoughts on the Apple alliance and her strategic vision for Big Blue's latest transformation:

  • Focus on Three (3) Core Areas: Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Engagement (mobile and social technologies
  • Stick to Ginni's Rules: Don't Protect The Past. Never Be Defined by Your Product. Always Transform Yourself.
  • Continue Reinventing IBM: See bullet points (1) and (2).


5) Budweiser: Global Be(er) Responsible Day | “Friends Are Waiting” Campaign. The #FriendsAreWaiting spot to discourage drunk driving is storytelling brilliance in 60 seconds or less (almost). This video hits all the right notes: emotional, memorable, conflict, and resolution. Somewhere, Pixar creatives are smiling.



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Tony Faustino is a marketing and corporate strategist.  He thinks and writes about how The Internet reinvents marketing strategy in his personal blog, Social Media ReInventionFollow his tweets @tonyfaustino or circle him on Google+.