Reader Friendly Content Ignites Google SEO

Sunday Links With Social Media ReInvention February 12

reader friendly content ignites


Reader Friendly Content Grows Buyer Trust and Improves Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Each of this week’s articles support that theme differently. These experts’ insights show how reader friendly content builds trust and enhances SEO:

  • Writing naturally benefits the reader and sends a positive signal to Google (versus forcing keywords into our copy).
  • Gaining a buyer’s trust begins with trusting our instincts. Being ourselves is attainable and healthy. “Being remarkable” can be misleading because it’s a relative standard.
  • Earning trust in a machine learning age (aka Google’s RankBrain) will continuously redefine what’s “reader friendly content.” Artificial intelligence search applications will line up content marketing and SEO even more closely with personal branding and thought leadership authority.

Trustworthiness and its link to helpfulness is a major signal in Google’s secret sauce.

How the company chooses to measure trust in its search algorithm continues evolving. We better pay close attention because Google wields the monopolistic power to either reward or punish our content.

That’s why I think WHAT we write and HOW we write is a vital SEO tactic. Here’s my take on why reader friendly content is great SEO now (and in the future).


7 Habits and Resources to Rocket Your Blogging Productivity and Creativity

Creativity Child Building Blocks

Photo Credit:


61% of survey respondents say their personal blog helped Them Win Their Latest Job. My personal blog launched my new career in digital marketing strategy and analytics.

My last post shares why our professional and digital identities shouldn’t be beholden to a single social media platform. Do more than the herd. A personal website or blog differentiates you from other job candidates by showing how you go the extra mile. (more…)

Blog Because You Have Something to Say (Not SEO)

Heart in Coffee Cup

I've shared articles about about the online benefits of blogging (i.e., search engine optimization / SEO, inbound links, increasing number of indexed pages, improving Google search engine rankings). 

But, the real reason I love blogging is because I love writing.  Freedom in blogging inspires and informs my creativity (unlike any other hobby or passion).  I didn't understand its importance in my personal life until I stopped blogging for a brief time.  

That's why I stuck with the blogging and writing process for close to three (3) years.  It's why I do it for free.

Mitch Joel published this inspiring article: This Blog Sucks (And You're Probably Not Reading This).  It's one of Mitch's many responses to the pundits claiming blogging is dead (and is no longer relevant).

The Business of Blogging.  He describes many business-related reasons why individuals or agencies choose to publish a blog. Here are some:

  • Attracting clients
  • Search engine optimization benefits
  • Sharing links and advice

The Love of Blogging.  But, if you want to publish for the long haul, Mitch lists nine (9) reasons to pursue blogging.  Here are some of the "real" reasons described:

  • Because you love to write
  • Because you have to write
  • Because if you had more time, you would write even more
  • Because you have something to say

Mitch's advice comes from his almost decade-long experiences in blogging and writing.  

It's the right mindset for long term success and commitment in self-publishing a personal blog.  Those four (4) reasons capture why I become frustrated when I can't invest the time in writing.

Otherwise, why do it? 

I'm so happy Memorial Day Weekend is finally here.  Time to get back to writing ….


Tony Faustino is a marketing and corporate strategist.  He writes about how The Internet reinvents marketing strategy for organizations and individuals in his marketing strategy blog, Social Media ReInvention.  Follow his tweets @tonyfaustino or circle him on Google+.