Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: 05/10/15 to 05/16/15

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz

Hi Social Media ReInvention Community! Here are your share-worthy links for your enjoyment and discussion. Thanks again for your continued support and taking time to read my work. I hope you’ll enjoy these links during your Sunday Brunch!

1. Forbes: How to Succeed Even When You’ve Failed This Year by Dorie Clark. I’m studying Dorie’s remarkable book, Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It, as I build my consulting practice (along with re-reading Michael Hyatt’s Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World). Dorie interviewed Jairek Robbins who runs his own performance coaching consulting practice. You may have heard of his dad, Tony Robbins

Jairek competes head-to-head with the man who transformed motivational speaking into a multi-billion dollar, multi-media empire. That’s cojones.

Or, is he? It’s a great article and example of identifying and focusing on a micro-niche or micro-market you can own. It’s marketing positioning 101 (especially in a crowded, competitive field.

Go Get’em Jairek – The Force Will Be With You. Always.

2. HubSpot Blog: The Ultimate Guide to Embedding Social Media Posts on Your Website. This is a great example of many things:

  • Remarkable content wins. The article’s detailed, step-by-step helpfulness assures and reinforces to the audience (people with non-coding HTML skills) that “this will work and minimize your pain.”
  • Attractive visuals differentiate your writing. That’s supremely important when the post is about enhancing our content’s value with visualizations.
  • Respond to comments. The conversations in the Comments Section of this post are as rich as the advice in the article.

3. Digiday: How Dan Roth Became The Most Powerful Editor in Business Publishing. The article provides an excellent backdrop and biography about Dan Roth, LinkedIn’s Executive Editor. He’s the puppet master orchestrating the strings behind The LinkedIn Publishing Platform.

The article raises important questions and implications for The New Economy’s Creative Class because of Marc Andreessen and Silicon Valley’s “software will eat the world” mentality.

Why? If Dan succeeds in his current position, he will work himself (and his talented editors) out of a job. His professional biography and current LinkedIn responsibilities are a case study for 21st century career development in strategic risk taking and adaptive learning.

More importantly the following quote from Johnny McDermott’s smart article is a professional, pre-cautionary tale for all of us:

Weiner (in reference to Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn CEO) is still not satisfied with the editorial operation, Roth said. For one, he views the human editorial process as unnecessarily cumbersome. He hopes Roth can train LinkedIn’s algorithms to identify quality completely on their own. Roth is tasked with making his current role obsolete (formatting added for emphasis).  

Robots have already proven capable of writing straightforward news stories like recaps of companies earnings announcements. LinkedIn proposes to render editors irrelevant, too (formatting added for emphasis).


Your Turn

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear from you. I’m here to read, listen, and learn from YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

Comments are open. So let’er rip!

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Tony Faustino: As President and Founder of Faustino Marketing Strategies, I advise how a buyer's problem guides a client's content marketing and SEO decisions. I am based in the Kansas City area (Overland Park, Kansas). I share my ideas on the reinvention of content marketing and SEO in my personal blog: Social Media ReInvention. (www.socialmediareinvention.com).