Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: Week of 04/27/15 to 05/02/15

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz


Hi Social Media ReInvention Community! Here are your share-worthy links for your enjoyment and discussion. Thanks again for your ongoing support of my work. Enjoy these links and your Sunday Brunch!


1. eMarketer: Marketers Struggle to Map Multichannel Customers’ Journeys. This article proves why Facebook Atlas is primed to become the advertising platform of choice. Few marketers and brands understand how consumers conduct their pre-sale research, convert to qualified leads, purchase goods and services, and become repeat customers (i.e., post-sale / loyalty behavior). Winning brands of the future will:

  • Invest in technology to measure multi-platform touch points
  • Provide helpful content to aid buying decisions
  • Remove the guesswork out of completing a sale
  • Reward and prioritize their existing customers (versus spending more money on acquiring new ones)

Who are your best customers — Your existing ones.


2. Fast Company: How Marissa Mayer Mobilized Yahoo and The Wall Street Journal: Yahoo Works to Avoid Brain Drain. Social Media ReInvention Community Members know I’m a Marissa Mayer fanboy. She’s initiated incremental and sweeping changes. Both articles show Mayer’s leadership skills to reposition Yahoo for:

  • A Mobile, Multi-Platform World
  • Silicon Valley’s Cutthroat Talent War
  • Key Software Engineering Talent (and Key Technologies) Using Selective M&As

Mayer’s swift decisiveness will attract top talent to Yahoo in the long term. Silicon Valley takes “survival of the fittest” to the nth degree.

Don’t wait for top talent to seek work in your company. Buy it. Literally.


3. The Wall Street Journal: Data Is The New Middle Manager. MBA graduates beware (along with the institutions who train them). Silicon Valley continues to shun and loathe you. Their startups are designing their companies and data access for decision-making speed, collaboration, and front-line employee access.

This signal by Silicon Valley startups to “engineer-out” middle management layers in organizational and software design outcomes is an important leading indicator of future employment in The Valley. Want to work for a startup? Acquire software engineering chops — that’s a better investment of your time and money.

If not, good luck fighting for the middle management scraps The Fortune 500 leaves behind in its ongoing (and future rounds) of layoffs.

Speed kills. And, Silicon Valley will continue to find ways to “design out” MBA middle management.


Your Turn

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear from you. I’m here to read, listen, and learn from YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

Comments are open. So let’er rip!

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Tony Faustino: As President and Founder of Faustino Marketing Strategies, I advise how a buyer's problem guides a client's content marketing and SEO decisions. I am based in the Kansas City area (Overland Park, Kansas). I share my ideas on the reinvention of content marketing and SEO in my personal blog: Social Media ReInvention. (www.socialmediareinvention.com).