Sunday Brunch Reads with Social Media ReInvention: 05/03/15 to 05/09/15

Sunday Brunch Newspaper

Photo Credit: Anton Diaz


Hi, Social Media ReInvention Community! Here are your share-worthy links for your enjoyment and discussion. Thanks again for your continued support and taking time to read my work. I hope you’ll enjoy these links during your Sunday Brunch!

Quick Heads Up: I  moved from Social Media ReInvention from TypePad to WordPress. It’s work-in-progress so please be patient as I continue improving this site.


1. The Wall Street Journal: There’s an Uber for Everything Now (by Geoffrey Fowler); ‘Unicorn’ Startups Say High Valuations Justified, Citing Big Growth Ahead (by Lizette Chapman); Mashable: In Silicon Valley, ‘unicorn’ is a dirty word (by JP Mangalindan). The Fowler and Chapman articles show important trends signaling the second coming of The Silicon Valley Tech Bubble: (more…)