Social Media ReInvention Blog’s Most Popular Posts in 2010

Top 10 List 
2010 is already coming to a close and it has been quite a learning experience.  I want to thank each of you for becoming a member of the Social Media ReInvention Blog community.  Your comments and emails about how the content published in this blog helps you means so much to me.

Thank You!

Your Ten Favorite Posts in 2010

10. A Great Example of Online Listening & Brand Monitoring: The Ritz-Carlton

 9. MySpace's Reinvention Strategy: Focus On Its Core Buyer Persona

 8. Charlie Rose's Conversation with Ken Auletta: Innovation, Efficiency, and Future Challenges at Google

 7. Avinash Kaushik's Rules for Insightful & Actionable Web Analytics

 6. 5 Insights from HubSpot's The State of Inbound Marketing 2010 Webinar

 5. Successful Social Media Marketing is Neither Free Nor Easy  

 4. Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah Levels the Marketing Playing Field

 3. 3 Social Media Tips for Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love

 2. Fortune 500 Companies Achieve ROI with LinkedIn

 1. 3 Reasons Why I Rejected Your LinkedIn Invitation

Plans for Social Media ReInvention Blog in 2010

Please let me know which posts were your personal favorites or if your favorite 2010 post didn't make the list, please leave me a comment and let me know. 

Even more importantly, please let me know what type of content, topics, or subjects you'd like for me to address in 2011.  I want the content in Social Media ReInvention Blog to be of value to you.  If there were posts that missed the mark (and based on going through this Top 10 exercise, there absolutely were some turkeys), I'd appreciate you telling me.

I'm Going to Experiment and Try Some New Things in 2011.  I hope you'll have the patience and trust to stick with me as I try out some new stuff like:

* Video Book Reviews.  If authors are willing to stake their individual reputations on social media and digital marketing with their books, then I should have the courage to provide a video portion to accompany the written review.  No security blanket of hiding behind the keyboard and an Internet connection — time for me to put some skin in the game on the online scrutiny front.

* Social Media and Inbound Marketing in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry.  First, I want to assure you I'm not going to focus this blog solely on one industry regarding the use and applications of social media and inbound marketing.  Personally, I find that kind of focus too confining.  Secondly, I think it's important to understand how social media and inbound marketing are leveraged in multiple industries because so many lessons can be learned by observing other organizations.  As I continue studying the books Real -Time Marketing & PR and Open Leadership, those multi-industry lessons are highly evident.

I've worked in the pharma / biotech industry for almost fourteen (14) years, and this industry's current use (or more importantly its existing fear) of how to use social media for customer engagement fascinates me.  This is a highly regulated industry confronting significant challenges not only on the business side but also the public relations side as well.  I hope you won't mind if I add my personal two cents about what I observe and recommend (either rightly or wrongly).

* eBook Publications Stirring in My Head.  I have some ideas for eBooks that I'd like to publish in 2011.  These books will be completely free for download, and I when I say free, I mean absolutely no strings attached (e.g., providing contact information or personal information).  I've got the ideas scoped out, and have already started writing about two of these topics in this blog.  Now, it's just a matter of doing it and making it happen.


Many Thanks for investing your valuable time in reading and subscribing to my blog.  It means so much to me that you think I have something noteworthy to share. 

I promise to hold up my end of the deal by commiting myself to learning as much as I can about social media and inbound marketing in 2011.  And hopefully, I will publish a variety of thoughtful and engaging content that supports my point-of-view and makes you think.

May You and Your Families Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

Photo Credit: By sam_churchill Via Flickr