Social Media Club Kansas City Education Chairman, Mark van Baale, Presents at Kauffman Foundation’s Ignite Kansas City

On November 3, 2009, The Kauffman Foundation held its first Ignite Kansas City Event.  These Ignite KC events revolve around the premise: "If you had five minutes on stage to pitch a new idea, what would you say?"

Another cool and challenging aspect is the overall presentation format for the speakers:

* Slides will auto-advance
* You get 15 seconds per slide
* 5 minutes max for your presentation
* Only 20 slides (or less) allowed

Mark van Baale, Social Media Club of Kansas City Chairman, presented his idea titled: Raising People's Hopes Through Community (both Online & Offline).  Mark did a great job in his presentation, and it was an enjoyable evening filled with a lot of creative ideas. 

Here's Mark's presentation: