PM360 Online Social Media Think Tank Article: What’s Hot, What’s Next in Social Media

PM360 Logo In the April 2010 Issue of PM360, I'm featured as a contributing author to PM360's Social Media Think Tank Article: What's Hot, What's Next in Social Media.  I was both thrilled and humbled when they asked me to participate in providing some observations on the use of social media in the pharmceutical industry. 

In the article, I described Johnson & Johnson's extensive participation in social media channels and opinions from their communications leaders on what's driving their success.  Also, I provided my personal opinions on potential audience engagement metrics to help an organization in prioritizing time invested in social media.

This is the first time I've been asked to provide opinions on social media to an industry publication so I cannot begin to express my gratitude for this opportunity.

If you have a few moments, please check out the PM60 article.  Eight (8) additional contributing authors are featured (and trust me they're all a lot smarther than I am).  I wrote the second article listed on the website. 

I hope you don't mind me sharing this quick post.  Really, a short post from Tony Faustino – Yeah, Right …