An Open Letter to Yahoo: Please Do Not Shut Down

Please Sign 

Dear Yahoo,

This morning, I read this December 16th article from Tech Cruch that implies you are planning to shut down your social bookmarking service,  Based on my quick scan of the approximately 600 news article or related blog posts headlines, it appears you may not shut down this highly valuable service.

I've used exclusively as my social bookmarking service for the past three (3) years.  I know there are many other social bookmarking networks choices available, but I've stuck with for the following reasons:

* It's so easy and convenient to use.  It's the epitome of user-friendliness.

* I learn so much from the members I follow within this community regarding topics I'm extremely passionate about such as social media, inbound marketing, and digital marketing.

* I've personally invested significant time in curating selected content on your site so I can easily refer to it in the future.  As an example, I have saved 1,590 bookmarks on, and all of these bookmarks are referenced for future blog post ideas or represent content I've saved as part of my own continuous education in social media and digital marketing.

I personally understand the corporate rationale why Yahoo may no longer believe is a viable investment. 

However, I hope you will fully take into account the personal impact your decision will have on tens of thousands (I'm sure even higher) of loyal users who have not only benefitted from this community but have also promoted it personally to many others.

If you decide to shut down, please give your loyal members ample time to export our content to another social bookmarking community.  Please publicly release a statement confirming and defining when will be closed down. 

And most importantly if you ultimately decide to shut down, please suggest the necessary steps your loyal community should undertake to preserve the self-selected content we've invested significant time to curate on your site.

My sincere thanks,

Tony Faustino
Author, Social Media ReInvention Blog

Photo Credit: By bixentro Via Flickr